A Day in the Life of Snow White

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Kate's Granmomma sewed her a Snow White costume for Christmas - and to put it mildly, she loves it! For the past few months she's been in a daily dress up mode, but so far we haven't felt the extreme need to wear a costume all day long... until today. This morning she had Snow White on before breakfast and when I asked her to take it off so we could eat she informed me she was wearing it FOREVER. I relented for breakfast, thinking the desire would fade when it was time to get dressed and run errands, but she continued to be calmly steadfast as she told me again she would wear this dress FOREVER. We fight enough two year old battles for independence these days - so in the spirit of trying to carefully choose my battles, I decided to wait her out and see how long she'd last in the dress. And while we were at it I thought we should have a little fun... so here's a 2 minute video summary of our Snow White adventures today:

1 comment:

McCullough Family said...

This was so funny. How did you do it? And I am glad you can be a mom who let's her child wear whatever she wants :)