Hair Cut

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today I took the girl to get her second hair cut. It's hard to believe that she'll be three in a month and this is only the second time she's needed a trim - and when I say trim I mean trim! She was understandably skittish about it at first so she sat cautiously still and very serious for the first part, but she eventually loosened up a bit - especially when the lady cutting her hair reminded her about the glitter stars she was going to get on her cheeks at the end and the free lollipop for good girls. In addition to those treats, after her hair cut we met up with Aunt Caitlin for some lunch. When a girl has only had two hair cuts in her entire life she deserves a little excitement!!

My special Christmas present was a FLIP video camera and Cody says I should use it to give my blog "vlog" segments. Thus under his advisement, I thought we'd give it a shot this week to see what all three of my readers out there in cyberspace think... so here's a compilation video of our haircut adventure (about a minute). Enjoy!


Brenda said...

I love the videos of Kate!! Keep them coming!

Amanda said...

SO CUTE!!! IT was fun running into you at the second mall this week!

Nana Kay said...

Our little Kate is all girl and we love that about her!