Meaty, Meaty Power

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I've blogged before about the study of Moses Kate and I are going through at our Wednesday morning Bible study, but here's a new story on the subject... Every day when we're driving to lunch after the study I ask Kate about what she learned in her class. I never know what she'll say, but listening to her never fails to put a smile on my face!

Here are a few of the answers she's offered me over the last few weeks:
Moses had meaty, meaty power (I think she meant MIGHTY).
Moses did not obey God. He had to get spankings and sit in time out.
Moses was very, very, very thirsty.
Moses lived with Pocahontas in a tent.
Moses likes to eat pizza with Jesus. Flat cheese pizza with birds.

I don't know where she's getting her creative flourish on these ideas, but the basic concept of most of the things she says is rooted in truth. Today when we were driving out of the church parking lot I listened to her latest Moses story and decided that at least pieces of the truth are getting in her head and heart. And then I felt convicted that I sometimes let myself walk away from the study just like Kate: I listen to the truth presented while I'm there, take parts of it, leave parts of it, and add embellishment as I fill in gaps of misunderstanding when I share it with someone else.

I don't want to be that sort of student. I want to be better than that so I can learn and grow into the person I need to become. So next time I'm in a Bible study or similar place, I'm going to try as hard as possible to consciously absorb the easy truths as well as the convicting, harder truths. I know I allow pieces of truth into my head and heart like Kate does, but I want to take it a step further than a toddler - both for my personal understanding as well as so I don't misrepresent truths to others. I don't want to think in my head that Moses camped with Pocahontas or to walk around telling people a 29 year old's equivalent of how Moses had "meaty, meaty" power!

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