This challenge is a blessing

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some of my favorite things about my precious girl (in no particular order):

1. Her love of all things artistic - she's constantly painting, singing, or dancing
2. The way she runs to me after I've been away from her for a little bit... and when I sweep her up in a hug she squeezes me back and says, "I missed you, Mommy"
3. Her love of nature & outside - this girl would always be outside if possible. This summer when we went camping and she got to SLEEP outside she was so excited! Going to the park to swing and slide, riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, or ANYTHING as long as it's outside is always a top pick on her list.
4. Each day when she wakes up she asks, "Is it good morning time yet?" And there have only been one or two mornings I can remember in her ENTIRE LIFE that she wasn't happy to be awake and wanting to snuggle a little before starting the day
5. Her ZEST for life and living it to the fullest as often as possible! We get a little too loud for Cody sometimes in all our excitement, but I love that she loves so much with such enthusiasm!
6. The fact that she's a get up and go sort of girl -- after asking if it's "good morning time", her next question is what are we doing today and/or where are we going
7. She has started requesting for me to sing her the silly songs I made up for her when she was a baby and she's learned the words so she sings them on her own at random times - no one has ever sung those songs but me before now and they seem so much sillier when you listen to them coming from someone else's mouth!
8. Her budding imagination, sense of humor, and the silly things she says - today after BSF she told me "God is a smiley face" - sometimes I think she's trying to be funny on purpose because her eyes sparkle when she knows she made me laugh (and then she usually says or does that thing over & over)
9. Her favorite expressions is "are you kidding me?" I never realized I said that phrase so much, but she definitely picked it up from me and knows the exact way to wield that remark to get a good laugh from anyone in earshot
10. Her compassion - any time I have to go to the doctor for something or she sees Cody or me hurt in any capacity she is very concerned about our pain and is extremely loving until she's sure we're really okay

We are so blessed to have been given this sweet girl. She definitely challenges us each day - but she's also one of the main sources of joy to my heart at so many moments through out the day. Three years ago all we wanted was to start a family, so to be struggling with how to train up our toddler now is truly a blessing. When she's in one of her terrible two moments tomorrow I pray that I will take the time to consciously remember what an amazing blessing she is in our lives as I grit my teeth and jump in there to handle the situation in the best way I can!

If you know this sweet girl, what's one of your favorite things about her?


Brenda said...

Kate is indeed a blessing, and she is blessed to have you and Cody as her mommy and daddy!!
Love you,

Cathy Jones said...

I love how she lights up when she sees me and how it makes me feel becuase I light up as much as she does. I love how she never tires coming to Granmommas and Grandads and says "her room" when you ask her where she is going to sleep. She is indeed a blessing to us all.

McCullough Family said...

I love her giggle :)