I'm not adopted, I'm Jesus.

Friday, October 3, 2008
On our drive to lunch after BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this week I asked Kate what she learned that morning. She told me about baby Moses being in a basket in the water. I asked her if she knew that Moses was adopted just like she is. She immediately said with authority and utmost confidence: "I'm not adopted, I'm Jesus."

Whole-heartedly struggling not to laugh, I tried explaining to her that she isn't Jesus -- to which she continued to repeatedly insist she WAS Jesus. Nothing on the platter of two year old vocabulary was helping me clear up the confusion, so I took a leap into her developmental future and tried explaining that Jesus lives in the heart of believers which makes us all try hard to be like him, but none of us ARE Jesus.

Then there was silence.
And more silence.

At the next light I glanced over my shoulder to investigate... she looked up at me and very nonchalantly said, "Granmomma talks to Jesus -- can we call Granmomma?"

I wasn't sure whether to take that response as heightened two year old logic to get me to call Granmomma to verify that by talking to Kate she was in fact Jesus or if it was merely an attempt to change the subject altogether, but I took the chance to change the subject by picking up my cell phone to dial Granmomma ASAP.

So much for that attempted meaningful conversation about her BSF lesson and its possible connections to her life/adoption. Wish us better luck next week!

Kate with McCain

Sunday, September 28, 2008
How young is too young to get involved in politics?