This morning Kate ate her oatmeal and blueberries at the table next to an imaginary turtle. She insisted on wearing her party hat left over from a birthday party she went to last weekend because she told me that Turtle was wearing its party hat and wanted her to have one too. And then she begged and begged me to take a picture of her eating breakfast with Turtle. So - being that my camera is always handy - I took the desired picture.
None of these activities were that unusual for our mornings around the Bettis house. But then the girl wanted to see the picture on the screen on the back of the digital camera. It was at that point things got tricky for me...
Kate couldn't understand why she couldn't see Turtle in her hat in the picture. She was pretty sure it was my fault - I simply wasn't showing her the right picture. She eventually started crying because she wanted me to show her the one with Turtle in it. She thought I didn't understand her or that I was being mean for some unexplained reason, but I couldn't get her to understand that Turtle can't be in a picture because she's not like Kate or that I did understand what she was asking even though I couldn't make it happen. I was at a complete loss.
What was this momma to say?
Advice from the older, wiser mommas out there is needed :).
So Kate chose to wear her Cinderella dress with princess slippers and joined friends Alden and Avery at the theater. For once she wasn't the only one in public wearing dress up clothes! The girls munched popcorn and did really well together during the movie.
The Disney matinees are going on every two weeks with different movies and in all different areas of the country. They will be showing Cars, Tarzan, and a Winnie and the Pooh throughout the next several weeks. If you're interested in going to a matinee, check out this link to get specifics on the movies, dates, times, and locations.
I'm exactly a week away from being the big 3-0.
It's definitely a milestone worth taking note of, but I'm not losing any sleep over getting older.
While we were sitting on the couch this weekend, Cody spotted a gray hair amidst my brown locks - and I'm pretty sure it has at least a few friends up there sprouting out of my head along with it. Let's face it, there's safety in numbers... So chances are great that several gray strands are headed my way.
In an effort to help me, Cody put his hand on my head so he could isolate my evidently misfit hair and pluck it from my tender scalp. But I was APPALLED at his behavior and sharply leaned away from him when I realized what he was doing. He proceeded to tease me about needing to start dying my hair since I'm "going gray". In the most offended tone I could muster, I told him ABSOLUTELY NOT. We laughed, but I was completely serious.
I've lived a lot of life in these short 30 years - and thus I feel like I have EARNED every gray hair that may or may not be growing on my head. Funky, off color hairs represent seasons of countless joys and sorrows - and all the continual struggles/successes of life in between. To cover them up with dye would feel like I was somehow invalidating my journey.
I wholeheartedly support every member of the actively hair dying community that may be reading this humble blog. Everyone should be 100% free to make their own choices in the "To Dye or Not To Dye" decision according to what is best for their individual preferences - but as for me, I feel a certain level of inexplicable pride in the endurance of life demonstrated by my crazy textured gray hairs and have absolutely no desire to hide them.
Stay tuned to see if I'm singing the same tune when the big 4-0 is just around the bend...
It's definitely a milestone worth taking note of, but I'm not losing any sleep over getting older.
While we were sitting on the couch this weekend, Cody spotted a gray hair amidst my brown locks - and I'm pretty sure it has at least a few friends up there sprouting out of my head along with it. Let's face it, there's safety in numbers... So chances are great that several gray strands are headed my way.
In an effort to help me, Cody put his hand on my head so he could isolate my evidently misfit hair and pluck it from my tender scalp. But I was APPALLED at his behavior and sharply leaned away from him when I realized what he was doing. He proceeded to tease me about needing to start dying my hair since I'm "going gray". In the most offended tone I could muster, I told him ABSOLUTELY NOT. We laughed, but I was completely serious.
I've lived a lot of life in these short 30 years - and thus I feel like I have EARNED every gray hair that may or may not be growing on my head. Funky, off color hairs represent seasons of countless joys and sorrows - and all the continual struggles/successes of life in between. To cover them up with dye would feel like I was somehow invalidating my journey.
I wholeheartedly support every member of the actively hair dying community that may be reading this humble blog. Everyone should be 100% free to make their own choices in the "To Dye or Not To Dye" decision according to what is best for their individual preferences - but as for me, I feel a certain level of inexplicable pride in the endurance of life demonstrated by my crazy textured gray hairs and have absolutely no desire to hide them.
Stay tuned to see if I'm singing the same tune when the big 4-0 is just around the bend...
This weekend Kate and I went on a special date to celebrate her adoptiversary (adoptiversary is the word I created for the anniversary of her being 100% legally ours... it's an important date for us despite the fact she's been with us since she quite literally took her first breath!).
Our first stop was James Avery. I've been thinking for the past couple years about buying Kate a charm bracelet for an adoptiversary keepsake of sorts. My plan is to add a charm of her choice to the bracelet each year on her special day - so with a portion of my lovely recent Google Adsense check I decided to take the plunge. She loved looking at all the charms and getting to choose all by herself which one to take home. Can you guess what she chose? She found a turtle charm - I couldn't believe they even made one - but when I saw what huge smile spread across her face after she saw it, I knew we were going to be leaving with a turtle charm!
After that I took my sweet blue eyed girl to lunch. The lighting in the restaurant made her eyes sparkle so much I had to take a few pictures! Then we did a little window shopping, headed back to pick up her bracelet, and went home to enjoy a great night of grilling in the backyard and playing games with Daddy.
I'm blown away on a daily basis by what an amazing gift God gave us in our sweet Kate, but there's still something that makes me feel uniquely nostalgic whenever her adoptiverary rolls around. Right now she merely looks at the day with delight since she has another special birthday type of day (in fact, she called it her "adoptabirthday" a couple times this weekend!), but as she gets older I hope her adoptiversary will be a time when she can look back with us and see what an incredible testimony of God's faithfulness and His sovereign plan her story truly is.
Though I'm utterly undeserving, I'm so incredibly thankful for all the blessings in my life - especially the blessing of my precious girl!
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