Spring Break Visitors

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This past weekend/week we've had two different rounds of back to back visitors at our house - Kate's had so much fun! The Melnicks came in from Massachusetts for a few nights followed by the Dabberts from Lubbock. Kate's definitely out of her routine, but staying up late or taking a later nap than normal so we can have fun with friends for a couple days is definitely worth it. Our last guests left this afternoon, so we're headed out of town tomorrow for several days, so I'll be taking a tiny blogging break - but I'll be back next week with BIG BLOG NEWS so stay tuned!!

The Girl in the Mirror

Monday, March 16, 2009
The many sides of Kate continue to emerge as we get deeper into her Terrific Threes. She can be so incredibly sweet and loving, funny or sarcastic, happy or sad, creative yet destructive, curious and stubborn, and so many other things these days. Her emotions are intense experiences for her these last couple weeks - both the good and the bad ones - so we're spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to identify how we feel, talk about those feeling, and make good choices despite how we may FEEL like acting. I have a FEELING we'll be going through this cycle very frequently over the course of her childhood :). Every day I learn more about her and find that I have more questions concerning how to parent than I have answers - but this is definitely an incredible journey that I wouldn't trade for anything!