Yesterday afternoon when Kate and I pulled into the driveway after going to a birthday party for one of her friends, my mouth fell open: THERE WERE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON MY HOUSE!! I couldn't believe my eyes - I was as excited about those lights as a Who in Who-ville!
For you to fully appreciate what a true jaw-dropping miracle these lights are, you need to understand the following:
a) we do not own a ladder tall enough to reach the roof... actually we own nothing in the way of a ladder that is any taller than the little 2 step ladder I use to reach the top shelf of the pantry
b) it was
extremely windy yesterday in DFW during mid-day (we're talking West Texas sized gusts!)
c) Cody is not a fan of heights or extreme danger
d) of the past eight Christmases we've spent as a married couple if we've had outdoor lighting it has been
very largely due to my solo or nearly solo labor on the roof
e) our little family has been so crazy busy and pathetically unhealthy since we got home from Thanksgiving I'd given up on putting lights on the roof this year
f) our church Christmas program was this weekend - the day Cody hung the lights he'd already been to work that morning, came home early to hang the lights, then he stayed home with Kate while she napped after the birthday party so I could get to church on time, he packed her dinner to eat at church, and brought her to me so he could get back to work on the Christmas program
So last night when we got home from church - even though it was late and we had to be back at church for a long day early this morning - Kate and I stood out in the front of the house under a nearly full moon while Cody plugged in the lights so we could be dramatically dazzled with the display. I'm thrilled to report that Kate was just as impressed as I was when those lights flashed on for the first time of the year. It was awesome to watch her little eyes brighten in the glow and to see that big smile on her face last night - and those eyes and smile haven't faded today every time she's had a chance to talk about "Daddy's lights" on top of the house!
There's no doubt the Lord richly blessed Kate and me with Cody - I'm so thankful he is in our lives as a husband and a daddy! He is a blessing to us for many more reasons than just the Christmas light surprise yesterday afternoon - he's the patient and calming Godly leader we need, his love for us is constant, he encourages us to achieve our potential, he provides for our family financially, and there are so many other examples of how his personality traits are perfectly matched to the known and unknown needs Kate and I have. Even though it's hard to think of my baby girl all grown up, I'm already praying that she'll find a man to marry that will love her and take care of her as well as her daddy does.
What lucky girls we are to have him in our lives!