We stumbled across the OCC when we lived in Lubbock during a phase when we had cable instead of Kate. I would never trade our lives now for our lives then, but in our pre-parenting days we had ample free opportunities to drink in the wonders of cable television without regard to time or money or too much attention to language used. Those men on the show don't exactly exhibit massive amounts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self control - but they sure are creative when it comes to designing and shaping metal into the form of a motorcycle! I've never riden a motorcycle (and I'm not sure I have the desire ever to get on one), but I love watching those guys do seemingly impossible things as they skillfully design a bike for someone under a deadline.
I haven't gotten to watch an episode in a very long time, but all that is about to change: While we were in San Antonio this past week, Cody found the first two seasons of the show on sale for only $5 at the Rivercenter Mall! I imagine if you can find full seasons of a show for only $5, it calls into question its quality - but I choose not to look at it that way... I merely see it as an awesome deal for all. We love spending time with Kate while she's awake, but her bedtime is about to get a little more exciting around our house because Senior and Junior Paulies will be waiting for us in our DVD player!
I was very surprised when I discovered your interest in that show when you lived in Lubbock!! Enjoy catching up on the Paulies!
You are cracking me up!
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