Expiration Excitement

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Earlier this week I went to Kroger to pick up some essentials for our week - milk, bread, yogurt, and such. Guess what my milk's expiration date is? CHRISTMAS EVE.

Though expiration dates probably aren't exciting to an average person, I must admit that certain times of the year they're ridiculously thrilling to me. Every time this week that I get Kate a cup of milk from the fridge I see "DEC 24, 2008" stamped on the top of the gallon, instantly smile, and skip a step as I go give her the milk because I'm reminded Christmas Eve is within milk expiration range!

I do the same thing with Kate's birthday, Cody's birthday, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, days we're going to take a trip out of town, and all other fun days on my calendar every year. In addition to expiration dates on milk or bread, coupon expiration dates are equally as exciting. And I imagine sharing this detail will only make me appear even more eccentric, but there's something particularly special if the printed date is the actual date of the event not just close to it :).

What do you look forward to and/or how do you measure the progress of time? Maybe knowing other people out there mark the march of time by expiration dates would help me feel a little less odd - or I imagine there are lots of more fun ways to watch time pass that I should look into.

And, for the record: Christmas is only 2 weeks away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha, that is so hilarious! I never thought of that before. I'm one of those people that loses track of time, rather than keeps track.