On the first Saturday of each month from 9 to noon Home Depot hosts a FREE clinic for kids to come make something. The target ages for the workshop are 5 to 12, but in addition to not turning us away when we showed up, I saw a couple other toddlers working on their projects too. In addition to getting to spend quality time with your child as you do a project for free, you also receive the project materials, a sticker, a pin for project completion, and an apron at no cost. Of everything she got that day, Kate was MOST proud of her apron - as we walked around the store picking up a few things we needed after project time was over, she tugged at my hand every time we saw a Home Depot employee wearing their orange apron too... and now nothing messy can be done at home without her running to her dress-up corner to put on her apron first!
Click here for more information on the Home Depot kids workshops.
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